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Smiles General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Europe has changed the way that it protects personal data. The old regime was not fit for purpose as our digital lives have grown exponentially over time. This change happened in May 2018 with new rules in place to better serve citizens of Europe who rely on their privacy being respected while they go about living theirs every day!

The solution is the mutually agreed European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force on May 25th, 2018 and became part of the LawLaw. It will change how businesses and public-sector organisations can handle customers’ information.

We are happy that the new data protection regulations have been implemented. As an organisation, this means more accountability and responsibility in handling people’s personal information – which everyone needs!

What personal data do we hold?

To ensure high dental care and attention standards, we need to hold patients’ personal information. This can include:

  • Past and current medical and dental condition; personal details such as age, address, telephone number and general medical practitioner
  • Radiographs, clinical photographs and study models
  • Information about the treatment that we have provided or proposed and its cost
  • Notes of conversations or incidents that might occur for which a record needs to be kept
  • Records of consent to treatment
  • Any correspondence relating to them and other health care professionals, for example, in the hospital or Medical Specialist Group.

Why do we hold information about you?

To provide safe and appropriate dental care, we need to keep comprehensive personal data about patients. This includes asking them to update their medical history or contact details every year so that any necessary treatments can be given in a timely manner!

Security of information

We know the importance of protecting your personal data. That’s why we have a system that ensures only employees with permission to view it can get access. Our computers are backed up regularly, so you never need to worry about losing any information!

Disclosure of information

We may need to disclose your personal information to provide proper and safe dental care.

  • Your general medical practitioner
  • Hospitals
  • Scanning and X-ray facility units
  • Other health professionals caring for you
  • Social Security Authority
  • Private dental schemes of which you are a member
  • Medical Specialist Group
  • Agents and Third parties, as required by legal and LawLaw

The information we provide will be kept on a “need-to-know” basis. Only those individuals or organisations who need to know for them provide care for you and proper administration of government personnel are given access, which ensures confidentiality rules stay intact! We will only share your data when necessary to provide you with healthcare services per applicable laws. We’ll always let you know if we receive a request from someone other than our doctors or nurses, so there are no surprises!

Access to your records

If you wish to access your child’s records, please get in touch with The Practice Manager. We will provide copies of any information in our possession and allow formal applications according to Law.

If you disagree

Your dentist has a responsibility to protect your personal data. If you do not want this Code of Practice applied, please discuss the matter with them immediately so they can work out an alternative solution that protects both their interests and those who share them with patients like yourself while still complying with all reasonable deadlines outlined in the Law.