Dental treatment has never been more advanced! With Caterham Dentistry All-On-4, you can have teeth repaired in one day and enjoy reduced waiting time.
How does the Process of All-On-4 Work?
What’s left at the upper arch and lower jaw determines where bridges will be attached to your teeth for Surgery. Sometimes, if necessary, a tooth/teeth can also be replaced with implants instead of extraction before they’re removed!
You can stop worrying about painful procedures like extractions and implants after meeting with our dentists. Our team is always available for you, so don’t hesitate to contact us if your teeth are bothering or painful! During step one of this process (the consultation), we examine not just what kind of treatment fits with your goal as well X-rays if needed, which means no more wondering whether or not going through the pain was worth it because now all possibilities have been explored first-hand.
What if I feel Nervous about the Surgery?
We offer many services to make your visit as comfortable and stress-free for you! From sedation, which will put you right at ease during procedures like implant placement or bite registration, routine checkups that include X-rays – all under the care of our dedicated team. We’re happy to provide patients who need dental work with relief from anxiety about it because we understand just how much this can affect your quality of life afterwards (both physically by making things easier on them emotionally). Sedation means you’ll feel nothing but deep sleep while having Surgery done.
What is the Aftercare Process?
After this type of procedure, you may be wondering what to expect. Thankfully for our patients who have undergone an implant replacement at Caterham Smiles, we support you throughout the entire process with our experienced staff that can offer guidance and answer any questions you may have. Have you ever had an operation that was so painful? Awareness of this type of procedure has increased in recent years as people realise how much their oral health can affect overall well-being and quality life experiences like eating correctly, taking care at work, and even sleeping.
A lot goes down during these types of surgeries. However, our dentists understand precisely what best to do when post-treatment discomfort arises.
Now you can have a bright smile that will make your day! Get All-On 4 dentistry near Caterham from the experts at Caterham Smiles. We guarantee reliable procedures and qualified professionals to guarantee it’s an easy process for any patient, so they leave with happy sensations about themselves as well as their new teeth looking great.